Opener for the Imperial Guard Peregrine Falcon
Peregrine Falcon
Initial idea I plan to hack up a SM Land Speeder and merge it with an Apache model cockpit to create a light, fast attack choice, air craft used to hit mostly ground targets. This aircraft will have two wing mounted air-to-air short range missiles, two flack canisters for anti-missile defense and two hull mounted Hellgun Gatling-gun style model attack weapons.
++Incoming Message.....++
++Transmitter - Astropath 34552Z4T55/AG51++
++Reciever - Astropath 058459ER34/445A++
++Author identified as Commissar Rainman++
++Date 586/M.39++
++Thought for the Day: If man could fly the emperor would have given him wings, and he did and it was wonderful.++
With the approval of General P.J. Altimite, Commander 14 Imperial Guard Cadian Army,
I am sending a request to the Directorate of Mars. It has come to our attention that several zeno and heretic forces now field weapons of speed and quick strike. The “flyers” are but a gnat in the side of the forces of the imperium but even a gnat can hinder the final outcome of battle and total domination. The speed is the greatest asset only the wonders of the loyal Space Marine’s land speeder make attempts to swat the flyer. The current ground-to-surface defenses are somewhat less than adequate.
It is with this that I request the Directorate use recourses to contest these gnats. We the Armies of the Imperial Guard leave this up to your discretion.
There is only one emperor and he is ours.
Commissar Tatilius Sterg Rainman.
Mar’s answer: The Peregrine Falcon a.k.a Mosquito

Named after an extinct bird of prey and well nicknamed for its humming engines replicated from the space marine land speeder frame the Peregrine Falcon entered testing battle on the fire fields of Cadia. The weapons platform was designed to answer the increasing number of short range, high speed battlefield aircraft encountered throughout the empire. Most notably the Eldar & Chaos corrupted Eldar jet bikes, Tau Piranha, Necron hover capabilities and Chaos’s flying mutations. This aircraft will in no way replace the combat effectiveness of a Vulture, Lightning, or Thunderbolt. It can in no way replace the lift capacity of the Valkyrie or Aquila for it has none.
The cockpit’s tandem configuration of the aircraft is designed to provide some protection for the crew. The fully enclosed cockpit was centered on the aircraft because the Imperial Guard pilot and gunner do not have the protection or bulk of a space marine power suit. This also puts the gunner on the nose of the aircraft providing for the most accurate shots.
Initial idea I plan to hack up a SM Land Speeder and merge it with an Apache model cockpit to create a light, fast attack choice, air craft used to hit mostly ground targets. This aircraft will have two wing mounted air-to-air short range missiles, two flack canisters for anti-missile defense and two hull mounted Hellgun Gatling-gun style model attack weapons.
++Incoming Message.....++
++Transmitter - Astropath 34552Z4T55/AG51++
++Reciever - Astropath 058459ER34/445A++
++Author identified as Commissar Rainman++
++Date 586/M.39++
++Thought for the Day: If man could fly the emperor would have given him wings, and he did and it was wonderful.++
With the approval of General P.J. Altimite, Commander 14 Imperial Guard Cadian Army,
I am sending a request to the Directorate of Mars. It has come to our attention that several zeno and heretic forces now field weapons of speed and quick strike. The “flyers” are but a gnat in the side of the forces of the imperium but even a gnat can hinder the final outcome of battle and total domination. The speed is the greatest asset only the wonders of the loyal Space Marine’s land speeder make attempts to swat the flyer. The current ground-to-surface defenses are somewhat less than adequate.
It is with this that I request the Directorate use recourses to contest these gnats. We the Armies of the Imperial Guard leave this up to your discretion.
There is only one emperor and he is ours.
Commissar Tatilius Sterg Rainman.
Mar’s answer: The Peregrine Falcon a.k.a Mosquito

Named after an extinct bird of prey and well nicknamed for its humming engines replicated from the space marine land speeder frame the Peregrine Falcon entered testing battle on the fire fields of Cadia. The weapons platform was designed to answer the increasing number of short range, high speed battlefield aircraft encountered throughout the empire. Most notably the Eldar & Chaos corrupted Eldar jet bikes, Tau Piranha, Necron hover capabilities and Chaos’s flying mutations. This aircraft will in no way replace the combat effectiveness of a Vulture, Lightning, or Thunderbolt. It can in no way replace the lift capacity of the Valkyrie or Aquila for it has none.
The cockpit’s tandem configuration of the aircraft is designed to provide some protection for the crew. The fully enclosed cockpit was centered on the aircraft because the Imperial Guard pilot and gunner do not have the protection or bulk of a space marine power suit. This also puts the gunner on the nose of the aircraft providing for the most accurate shots.
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