2005-10-30 IG Peregrine Falcon
Wow has it really been almost two months? Ok I do have an excuse but let’s just say I have been busy during the day which limits my modeling time at night. I have also had a modeling how too, dilemma.
I stopped by the local Hobby Town and picked up some additional sheets of styrene. I am going to use them to accent the main components and cover up some mistakes. I should have gotten a right angle but did not, oh well.
The biggest problem noted or the one I found most dis, and this might be why I waited so long, was that someone noted that most IG aircraft have the capability of vertical takeoffs. For example the Vulture, the Aquila Lander, or Valkyrie, all have this capability. The Peregrine did not. My problem was finding something to fill in that modeling example. My biggest problem was finding a takeoff thruster to resemble the Valkyrie or Vulture’s.
Here is a picture of the Vulture highlighting the thrusters.

I also have been working feverishly on my basement, so I guess the old adage about taking some time off to help find a solution was true. I happened upon some wall mollies, anchors for screwing in screws into sheetrock. Low and behold they are just about the right size for the thrusters. What I did was this: The wall mollies are molded with three connecting fingers. When you drive the screw into them the fingers split creating a pressure restraint on the sheetrock.

I split off one of these fingers with my hobby knife, creating one small finger and one large finger. Using my hobby file I widened the gap between the fingers. The width is so the molly slides over the end of the wing. I then glued this assembly in place. I will be putting a cover or creating on next time I have a hobby weekend. I also plan to work on getting landing gear.

I stopped by the local Hobby Town and picked up some additional sheets of styrene. I am going to use them to accent the main components and cover up some mistakes. I should have gotten a right angle but did not, oh well.
The biggest problem noted or the one I found most dis, and this might be why I waited so long, was that someone noted that most IG aircraft have the capability of vertical takeoffs. For example the Vulture, the Aquila Lander, or Valkyrie, all have this capability. The Peregrine did not. My problem was finding something to fill in that modeling example. My biggest problem was finding a takeoff thruster to resemble the Valkyrie or Vulture’s.
Here is a picture of the Vulture highlighting the thrusters.

I also have been working feverishly on my basement, so I guess the old adage about taking some time off to help find a solution was true. I happened upon some wall mollies, anchors for screwing in screws into sheetrock. Low and behold they are just about the right size for the thrusters. What I did was this: The wall mollies are molded with three connecting fingers. When you drive the screw into them the fingers split creating a pressure restraint on the sheetrock.

I split off one of these fingers with my hobby knife, creating one small finger and one large finger. Using my hobby file I widened the gap between the fingers. The width is so the molly slides over the end of the wing. I then glued this assembly in place. I will be putting a cover or creating on next time I have a hobby weekend. I also plan to work on getting landing gear.
